Thursday, August 23, 2012

Strawberry Milk shake....Yuum

Ingredients (Serves 3)

1. Strawberries                                                      4-5 ( Big)
2. Skimmed milk                                                   3 cups
3. White Sugar                                                      According to taste


1. Clean the strawberries, chop into rough pieces and take them in a blender.
2. Add little milk and sugar and blend till a fine paste is formed.
3. Add the remaining milk and blend till it froths and strain (optional).
4. Garnish with strawberries and serve chilled.

1. A scoop of straw berry ice cream can be added while blending for richness.
2. Any essence like vanilla or strawberry or chocolate can also be added for the special taste.

Tada....yum yum....:)

The picture above is the milkshake made by my B-I-L.

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